Every musical pitch has more than one name. The name that we use to define a pitch is determined by the scale or the key that the music is being played in. Different names that are used to define the same pitch are called enharmonic equivalents.
Here are examples of enharmonic equivalents using sharps and flats:C sharp = D flat
D sharp = E flat
F sharp = G flat
G sharp = A flat
A sharp = B flat
These enharmonic equivalents can be seen easily by looking at a piano keyboard. You can also see the enharmonic equivalents on the clarinet by viewing the fingering chart.
Natural notes that do not have a sharp or flat in their names (the white keys on a piano) have enharmonic equivalents, too.
C = B sharp
F = E sharp
E = F flat
B = C flat
Natural notes other than the ones listed above have enharmonic equivalents with notes that use double flats and double sharps. These notes are not common, but they do occur in music.
C = D double flat
D = E double flat
F = G double flat
G = A double flat
A = B double flat
B = A double sharp
D = C double sharp
E = D double sharp
G = F double sharp
A = G double sharp
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